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BASIC Source File
81 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "ProcessRequest"
Option Explicit
Public Function GetInfo(Choice As Long) As String
'Module:Description.Bas 7/25/97
'Author:Burt Abreu
'Purpose:Function recieves choice from
'lstPlanets_Click event and then processes
'using a simple Select Case decision structure;
'returning descriptive text to the txtContent
'Text property.
'Create and initialize NewLine variable which will
'use the ascii values for carriage return and line
'feed to create the functionality of a <Enter> key
'on the typewriter. Those of you using VB 5.0 can
'use the new constant vbCrLf for this.
Dim NewLine As String
NewLine = Chr(13) + Chr(10)
Select Case Choice
Case 0 ' "asteroid"
'Process users combo box selection and assign
'appropriate text to txtContent Text property
'using a nested Select Case Statement.
Select Case Form1.cboSelectText.ListIndex
Case 0
' *** The return string of the function will be the text
' for the list box
GetInfo = "Here you can write some interesting" _
& " general information about asteroids that" _
& " will introduce the subject."
Case 1
GetInfo = "Here you can write some statistics" _
& " about asteroids, their size, weight etc."
Case 2
GetInfo = "Here you see the NewLine in action; we use it to" _
& " create, what else, a new line; rather than wrapping" _
& " the text." & NewLine & NewLine _
& "Question: What's the name of the oldest known asteroid?" & NewLine _
& NewLine _
& "Answer: Rip Van Twinkle."
End Select
Exit Function ' we got what we wanted
Case 1 '"earth"
GetInfo = "Write small blurb about earth here."
Case 2 '"jupiter"
GetInfo = "Write small blurb about jupiter here."
Case 3 '"mars"
GetInfo = "Write small blurb about mars here."
Case 4 '"mercury"
GetInfo = "Write small blurb about mercury here."
Case 5 ' "meteor"
GetInfo = "Write small blurb about meteors here."
Case 6 ' "neptune"
GetInfo = "Write small blurb about neptune here."
Case 7 '"pluto"
GetInfo = "Write small blurb about pluto here."
Case 8 '"saturn"
GetInfo = "Write small blurb about saturn here."
Case 9 '"space craft"
GetInfo = "Write small blurb about space craft here."
Case 10 '"sun"
GetInfo = "Write small blurb about sun here."
Case 11 '"uranus"
GetInfo = "Write small blurb about uranus here."
Case 12 '"venus"
GetInfo = "Write small blurb about venus here."
End Select
End Function